Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lesson 3: Solving Quadratic Equations (4/13/10)

The morning preparations go smoothly as I get dressed and gather all of my teaching supplies for the day. Just when I think that I am ready to go, I realize that I had wanted to make a "fill-in notes" sheet for the students, since I would be teaching the lesson on the SMARTboard. I rush all my things to the car. Once I am packed and ready to go, I take out my laptop. In record time, I successfully turn the SMARTboard presentation into a set of notes with blanks while sitting in my car. Once I arrive at school, I hurry to the classroom and ask the teacher to print the hand-out for me. She agrees and swiftly returns with the copies.

I feel completely ready to teach until I realize that I need to set up the SMARTboard. What a day! Connecting to the SMARTboard was easier than I thought. I only had to plug in one USB cord.

I feel a sense of relief as I begin the lesson. The lesson seems to be going well until I realize that none of the students understand what is going on. I stop the lesson to ask the students which concepts are confusing them. Then, I proceed to re-explain and re-teach those concepts. At first, no one wants to come to the board to demonstrate, but after the re-explanation, there are many volunteers.

I am enthused when the students begin to really comprehend the lesson. They seem to feel so much more confident in their own abilities and intellect. I love answering the students' questions and seeing the look of understanding in their faces. The teacher is also excited about the lesson and the students' understanding.

My not-so-great day had turned into a wonderful day of enrichment and learning for both the students and myself.